Social Institutions

 Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Religion and Social stratification in India Society is the combination of individuals. These individuals have their various needs which they want to be satisfied. For this purpose people behave in a customary way which is controlled by norms. This participation of people for the attainment of their various … Read more

Uniform Civil Code

 Uniform Civil Code A uniform civil code administers the same set of secular civil laws to govern all people irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe. The need for such a code takes in to account the constitutional mandate of securing Justice and Equality for all citizens. A uniform criminal code is applicable … Read more

Civil And Criminal Laws

 Civil and Criminal laws: hierarchy of civil and criminal courts in India Courts and Justice system in India The courts are divided into three categories with top court, middle court and lower court. The top court is named as The Supreme Court, while the middle court is named as High Court, and the … Read more

Puzzle Test

 Puzzle test Puzzle Test section comprises problems put in the form of puzzles involving certain number of items, be it persons or things. The candidate is required to analyse the given information, condense it in a suitable form and answer the questions asked.     In this type of test, the questions are … Read more

Combating Corruption Fami[y And Society Role

 0                                                combating Corruption   1.The first tool is ‘Education’. With the help of education we can reduce corruption. According to a report by Transparency International, the least corrupt state is Kerala, the reason being that Kerala’s Literacy rate is highest in India. So we can see how education effects education. In most of … Read more

Diseases Related To Heart

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> There are many types of heart disease that affect different parts of the organ and occur in different ways. Congenital heart disease   This is a general term for some deformities of the heart that have been present since birth. Examples include:   Septal defects: There … Read more

Social Legislations for the protection and welfare of Children, Women and Minorities, etc.

[su_heading]Women[/su_heading] Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 already covered now Sexual Harassment the workplace Sexual harassment at the workplace has been one of the central concerns of the women‘s movement in India since the ‘80s. In 1997, The Supreme Court passed a landmark judgment in the Vishakha Case laying down guidelines to be followed … Read more

National Population Policy

India was the first nation to launched a family planning programme in 1952. Though the birth rate started decreasing, it was accompanied by a sharp decrease in death rate, leading to an overall increase in Population.The early concept of population policy covered both mortality and fertility and did not exclusively focus on fertility. There was … Read more

Sanskar Vyavastha

Sanskar Vyavastha Samskaras is a prescribed set of observances, a religious ceremony or act regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward or spiritual. Ancient Sanskrit literature texts, such as Raghuvamsha, Kumarsambhava, Abhijnan -Shakuntal, Hitopadesha and Manu Smruti, samskara is used to mean: Education, cultivation, training, refinement, perfection, grammatical purity, polishing, embellishment, decoration, a … Read more

Human relationships in the society and in the Nature

Man is a social animal. He lives in social groups in communities and in Society. Human life and society almost go together. Man cannot live without society. Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society has become an essential condition for human life to arise and to continue. The relationship … Read more