Social Research And Techniques

 Social Research and Techniques -Objective of Social Research, Use of scientific method to study of Social Phenomena, tools and techniques of data collection- Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule Man by nature is inquisitive, and humans have an extraordinary capacity to exercise rational judgment and probe the realities of the world around us. Inherent in … Read more

Micro Economics

Here is a list of subtopics in microeconomics: Consumer theory Firm theory Market structure Market failure Externalities Public goods Monopoly Oligopoly Perfect competition Game theory Behavioral economics Econometrics Economic growth International economics Labor economics Financial economics Health economics Environmental economics Development economics Urban economics Regional economics Industrial organization Applied microeconomics Mathematical economics Econometrics Microeconomics is … Read more

Modern Indian Theatre

Modern Indian Theatre Modern Indian theatre is a diverse and vibrant art form that has evolved over the centuries. It is a product of the country’s rich cultural heritage, as well as its colonial past. Modern Indian theatre is characterized by its experimentation with form and content, and its engagement with social and political issues. … Read more

Indian Theatre

Indian Theatre Introduction Indian theatre is a diverse and vibrant art form with a long and rich history. It encompasses a wide range of genres, from classical dance-dramas to folk performances to modern plays. Indian theatre is often used to explore social and political issues, and it can be both humorous and thought-provoking. History of … Read more