Kerala Tax and Economic Reforms

Kerala Tax and Economic Reforms Economic Reforms: What is Economic Reform? The basic objective of economic reforms was to improve productivity Growth and competitiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector. These reforms were aimed at making Indian manufacturing sector more efficient and technologically up to date, with the expectation that these changes would enable Indian manufacturing … Read more

Sikkim Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Sikkim PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy Basic Understanding of Public Finance of Sikkim Public finance as a concept may be understood on two levels – as a practical activity of all components of Public Administration and As a theoretical area. The term “public finance“ may be defined as the identification of specific financial relationships and functions running … Read more

West Bengal Public Finance and fiscal Policy

West Bengal PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy West Bengal government’s finances are the worst among 5 highly-indebted states of India. the entire debt burden of province is near rupees two lakh crores implying that the debt burden of each citizen of the state is over twenty thousand rupees (The Times of India, May 30, 2011) … Read more

Haryana Tax and economic reforms

Haryana Tax and Economic Reforms   Haryana has risen as one of the quickly developing economies of the nation with amazing development amid most recent couple of years. At the season of its arrangement in 1966, it was modernly in reverse and predominately agribusiness commanded state. In spite of the fact that Haryana is little … Read more

Haryana Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Haryana PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy FISCAL POLICY Fiscal Policy is prepared by Government and consists of various expenditures and revenues. Fiscal policy deals with the revenue and expenditure decisions of the government. The government fiscal policy is used to stabilize the level of output and EMPLOYMENT through changes in its expenditure and taxes. The … Read more

Indian Public finance: Indian tax system

India has a well developed Taxation structure. The tax system in India is mainly a three tier system which is based between the Central, State Governments and the Local Government organizations. In most cases, these local bodies include the local councils and the municipalities. According to the Constitution of India, the government has the right … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Himachal Pradesh PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy In public finance we study the finances of the Government. Thus, public finance deals with the question how the Government raises its Resources to meet its ever-rising expenditure. As Dalton puts it, public finance is concerned with the income and expenditure of public authorities and with the adjustment … Read more


PUBLIC FINANCE Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy. It is the branch of economics which assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve desirable effects and avoid undesirable ones. It includes the study of … Read more

State finances and local finances. State finance commission

State Finances And Local Finances State finances The constitution (73rd and 74th) Amendment Acts, 1992 and ARTICLE 280 (3) (c) have altered the erstwhile fiscal devolution system and framework between the states and local governments. Under the new fiscal devolution system every State Government is required to constitute, once in five years, a Finance Commission … Read more