Ahom Policy towards the neighbouring hill tribes

Except the kingdom of Jayantia, Ahom relations with the Kacharis , the Khasis and Garos were quite cordial. Assam’s contacts with the Garos were mainly confined to the tribes living in the south bank of the Brahmaputra and the Ahom policy was one of conciliation and friendship so that commercial intercourse could be there. Sukapha … Read more

Expansion of the Ahom Kingdom in the 16 century- Suhungmung Dihingiya Raja (1497-1539)

The reign of Suhungmung Dihingiya Raja broke from the early Ahom rule and established a multi-ethnic Polity in his kingdom. Under him the Ahom Kingdom expanded greatly for the first time since Sukaphaa, at the cost of the Sutiya and the Kachari kingdoms. He also successfully defended his kingdom against the first Muslim invasions under Turbak Khan. … Read more

Khalji dynasty : Jalaluddin Khalji, Alauddin Khalji-Expansion of Sultanate, Administration, reforms, Military reforms, Economic Reforms.

  Khilji DYNASITY   After the decline of the Slave dynasty, the Sultanate became even more fragile and instable due to the numerous revolts and internal aggression. The Khilji dynasty started with the crowning of Jalaluddin Khilji by the nobles. This was around the year 1290 A.D. But within a few years, he was killed … Read more

Rajaraja and Rajendra I

The Age of Rajaraja and Rajendra I, spanning from the late 10th to the early 11th century, marked a zenith in the history of the Chola dynasty in South India. During this period, under the rule of Rajaraja Chola I and his successor Rajendra I, the Chola Empire reached unprecedented heights of power, prosperity, and … Read more

Need for Investment

The following are the subtopics under the need for InvestmentInvestment: Investment is a way to grow your MoneyMoney. When you invest, you are putting your money into something that you believe will increase in value over time. This can be anything from stocks and BondsBonds to real estate and businesses. Investment can help you reach … Read more

Private Equity

Here is a list of subtopics related to private EquityEquity: Private equity firms are companies that raise MoneyMoney from investors to invest in private companies. Private equity funds are the InvestmentInvestment vehicles used by private equity firms to raise money from investors. Private equity investments are the companies that private equity firms invest in. Private … Read more

Tribal Consolidation

Tribal Consolidation Tribal consolidation is the process of bringing together smaller, often isolated tribes into larger, more cohesive units. This can be done through a variety of means, including political unification, economic integration, and cultural assimilation. There are a number of reasons why tribal consolidation might be pursued. In some cases, it may be seen … Read more