Loss of capital city

Loss of capital city Common Capital & Its Governance The  Act  has  ordained  that  the  Hyderabad  city  would  be  the  common capital of the successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for a period of ten years. The Act has empowered the Governor with  ‘special responsibility for the  security  of  life,  Liberty  and  property  of  … Read more

Nationalist and Revolutionary Literature

Nationalist and Revolutionary Literature Nil Darpan is a Bengali play written by Dinabandhu Mitra in 1858–1859. The play was published in Dhaka in 1860, under a pseudonym of the author. The play was essential to Nil Vidroha, better known as the Indigo Revolt of February–March 1859 in Bengal, when farmers refused to sow indigo in … Read more

Bahadur Shah 2(1837-1857)

Here is a list of subtopics about Bahadur Shah II: Early life Reign Indian Rebellion of 1857 Exile and death Legacy Bahadur Shah II was the last Mughal emperor of India. He was born in 1775 and ascended to the throne in 1837. His reign was marked by political instability and economic decline. In 1857, … Read more