THE RENAISSANCE Greater travel, rising wealth and greater knowledge of outer world led to a new philosophy of life called renaissance. With rising material consumption, this worldly pleasures took place of Church advocated other worldly pleasure and hence human and not god became center of activities. Thus, humanism was a key feature of renaissance. Individualism … Read more

International Booster- Azerbaijan Armenia conflict

Azerbaijan Armenia conflict The Caucasus is a strategically important mountainous region in south-east Europe. For centuries, different powers in the region – both Christian and Muslim – have vied for control there.  Modern-day Armenia and Azerbaijan became part of the Soviet Union when it formed in the 1920s. Nagorno-Karabakh was an ethnic-majority Armenian region, but … Read more

2.origin Of Aryans

     The Aryans came to India in several waves. The earliest wave is represented by the Rig Vedic people who appeared in the subcontinent in about 1500 BC. They came into conflict with the indigenous inhabitants called the Dravidians mentioned as Dasa or Dasyus in Rig Veda. The Rig Veda mentions the … Read more

Oceans And Continents

 Introduction to Continents and Ocean Basins Continents and ocean basins being fundamental relief features of the globe are considered as ‘relief features of the first order’. It is, therefore, desirable to inquire into their mode of possible origin and evolu­tion. Different views, concepts, hypotheses and theo­ries regarding the origin of the continents and … Read more

North Atlantic Drift

The North Atlantic Drift (NAD) is a warm ocean current that originates in the Gulf Stream and flows northward along the eastern coast of the United States and Canada before crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. The NAD is a major factor in the climate of Europe, and it is responsible for the mild winters … Read more

Third Carnatic War(1758-63)

The Third Carnatic War was a conflict fought in India from 1758 to 1763, between the British East India Company and the French East India Company, with the support of their respective Indian allies. The war was part of the Seven Years’ War, which was fought in Europe and its colonies from 1756 to 1763. … Read more

International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague in the Netherlands. The ICC was established by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 17 July 1998 and began operations on 1 July 2002. The ICC has jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the most serious … Read more


Rihla: A Journey of Discovery The Rihla is an account of the travels of Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan scholar and explorer who lived from 1304 to 1377. The Rihla is one of the most important travelogues ever written, and it provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of the 14th century. Ibn Battuta was born … Read more