South Equatorial Current

The South Equatorial Current is a surface current in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans that flows eastward near the equator. It is part of the global conveyor belt, a system of ocean currents that helps to distribute heat around the globe. The South Equatorial Current is strongest in the western Pacific Ocean, where it … Read more

Equitorial Countercurrent

The following are subtopics of Equatorial Countercurrent: Equatorial Countercurrent Equatorial Countercurrent System Equatorial Countercurrent Circulation Equatorial Countercurrent Intensity Equatorial Countercurrent Variability Equatorial Countercurrent Structure Equatorial Countercurrent Transport Equatorial Countercurrent Origin Equatorial Countercurrent Role Equatorial Countercurrent Impact Equatorial Countercurrent Modeling Equatorial Countercurrent Observations Equatorial Countercurrent Research Equatorial Countercurrent Future Directions The Equatorial Countercurrent (EC) is a … Read more

Northeast trade winds

The Northeast trade winds are a prevailing wind found in the tropics, blowing from the northeast towards the southwest. They are part of the trade wind belt, which is a band of easterly winds that circles the Earth near the equator. The Northeast trade winds are strongest in the winter and weakest in the summer. … Read more