Concept of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization and concept of Modernity.

Concept Of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization-3/”>Globalization and Concept of Modernity Concept of Decolonization Decolonization refers to the undoing of colonialism, the establishment of governance or authority through the creation of settlements by another country or jurisdiction. The term generally refers to the achievement of independence by the various Western colonies and protectorates in Asia and [Africa]] following World War … Read more

Peasant, Tribal and Workers Movements

Peasant, Women, Tribal and Workers Movements Peasant Movement:  Peasant movements or agrarian struggles have taken place from pre-colonial days. The movements in the period between 1858 and 1914 tended to remain localised, disjointed and confined to particular grievances. Well-known are the Bengal revolt of 1859-62 against the indigo plantation system and the ‘Deccan riots’ of … Read more

Social movements, directed social change

Social movement Social movement, loosely organized but sustained campaign in support of a social goal, typically either the implementation or the prevention of a change in Society’s structure or values. Although social movements differ in size, they are all essentially collective. That is, they result from the more or less spontaneous coming together of people … Read more

Environment And Environmentalism

 Environment and environmentalism Environment ‘Environment‘, as the term itself indicates, is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it”. In our surround there is living and nonliving things which are together form life. Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, and geosphere are the component of the environment that surrounds us. Hydrosphere, the wet … Read more

Human and wild animal struggle

Man-animal conflicts are common in various parts of the country. Incidents of man-animal conflict are reported from States/Union Territories of the country. In India, wild elephants probably kill far more people than tiger, leopard or lion. But, surprisingly, human conflict involving leopard draws great amount of public attention compared to other animals. Other carnivores – tigers, … Read more

Social Movement And Directed Social Change

 Social movement Social movement, loosely organized but sustained campaign in support of a social goal, typically either the implementation or the prevention of a change in Society’s structure or values. Although social movements differ in size, they are all essentially collective. That is, they result from the more or less spontaneous coming together … Read more

Chipko Movement

 Chipko Movement Chipko movement, also called Chipko andolan, nonviolent social and ecological movement by rural villagers, particularly Women, in India in the 1970s, aimed at protecting trees and forests slated for government-backed logging. The movement originated in the Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh (later Uttarakhand) in 1973 and quickly spread throughout the Indian … Read more

Evergreen or Rainbow revolution

Evergreen Revolution was a term coined by M.S. Swaminathan to indicate the development of  technologies that can help in increasing productivity in perpetuity without causing an associated ecological harm.He also stated that to achieve the goal of Food Security by ending hunger and to promote sustainable agriculture, it is important that in the field of social … Read more

Ethics and Human Values

Human Values Human values have been employed in so distinctively different ways in human discourse. It is often said that a person has a value or an object has a value. Value is “a concept explicit of implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristics of a group of those desirable traits which influence the selection … Read more