Transgenic Plants

 Transgenic Plants Transgenic plants are plants that have been genetically modified by inserting genes directly into a single plant cell. Transgenic crop plants modified for improved flavor, pest resistance, or some other useful property are being used increasingly.   Transgenic plants are unique in that they develop from only one plant cell. In … Read more

River Water Sharing

 MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF WATER Resources   The Central Government shall, on and from the appointed day, constitute an Apex Council for the supervision of the functioning of the Godavari River Management Board and Krishna River Management Board.   The Apex Council shall consist of: (a) Minister of Water Resources, Government of India—Chairperson … Read more

Farming Systems And Sustainability

 Farming Systems and sustainability Nature is dynamic. It causes inheritable changes in all living organisms. For thousands of years, farmer around the world have been selecting and conserving varieties of different crop Plants that they cultivated. This process has generated a rich wealth of varieties in each crop plant, seen to be most … Read more

Ecology And Ecosystem

 ECOLOGY and Ecosystem Ecology The scientific study of the processes influencing the distribution and abundance of organisms, the interactions among organisms, and the interactions between organisms and the transformation and flux of energy and matter. Ecosystem Ecosystem, the complex of living organisms, their physical Environment, and all their interrelationships in a particular unit … Read more

Waste Water Management

 Waste Water Management Water, food and energy securities are emerging as increasingly important and vital issues for India and the world. Most of the river basins in India and elsewhere are closing or closed and experiencing moderate to severe water shortages, brought on by the simultaneous effects of agricultural Growth, industrialization and Urbanization. … Read more

Foreign Trade Policy

 Planning and Foreign Trade Foreign Trade is the important factor in Economic Development in any nation. Foreign trade in India comprises of all imports and exports to and from India. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry at the level of Central Government has responsibility to manage such operations. The domestic production reveals on … Read more

DPPQ- Environmental Acts

Question:The Environment (Protection) Act, was enacted in the year >>>1927 >>>1986 >>>1972 >>>1981 >>>option2 Question:The Forest (Conservation) Act, was enacted in the year >>>1980 >>>1927 >>>1986 >>>1972 >>>option1 Question:The Wildlife Protection Act, was enacted in the year >>>1927 >>>1972 >>>1986 >>>1981 >>>option2 Question:Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, was enacted in the year >>>1974 … Read more

DPPQ- Basics of Economics

Question:Brach of Economics which examines the economic behaviour of Individual actors is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option2 Question:Brach of Economics which studies the intermediate level of economic organizations is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option3 Question:Study of POVERTY and Inflation is the scope of >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option1 Question:Keynesian macronimics suggests the following policies >>>contraction … Read more

Wildlife protection act 1972

Wildlife protection act 1972 Introduction Wildlife Protection Act 1972 was passed on August 21, 1972, but was later implemented on September 9, 1972. This act prohibits the capturing, killing, poisoning or trapping of wild animals It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Objectives Prohibition of hunting Protection and … Read more

Forest conservation Act

In order to check rapid deforestation due to forestlands being released by state governments for agriculture, Industry and other development projects (allowed under the Indian Forest Act) the federal government enacted the Forest Conservation Act in 1980 with an amendment in 1988. The Act made the prior approval of the federal government necessary for de-reservation … Read more