Ecological Prints and Coping strategies

Ecological Footprint accounting measures the demand on and supply of nature.On the demand side, the Ecological Footprint measures the ecological assets that a given Population requires to produce the natural Resources it consumes (including plant-based food and fiber products, Livestock and fish products, timber and other forest products, space for urban Biodiversity, soil erosion, and … Read more

Issues and challenges related with quality and supply of seed, manure

Seed is the true carrier of technology. In India, three sets of institutions produce seeds:research institutions and agricultural universities; public sector seed producing corporations; andprivate sector firms including multinationals. The last decade has seen two main developmentsin seed market. One, production of quality seed has risen at a rapid rate after 2005-06. And two,public sector … Read more


    Migration OF MADHYA PRADESH Madhya Pradesh is large state in central India (second- largest  in the country) located in the geographic heart of India, between latitude 21.2°N-26.87°N and longitude 74°02′-82°49′ E, retains landmarks from eras throughout Indian history.Nicknamed the “heart of India” due to its geographical  location in India.  With over 75 million … Read more

Development of Mining Sector of Madhya Pradesh

Mineral wealth of MP, and ranking in mineral:- Madhya Pradesh is richly endowed with rich mineral reserves. In Mineral Production , the state ranks fourth after Jharkand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Madhya Pradesh is the only state of the country producing diamond in the country. Madhya Pradesh stands first in production of Copper Ore and Pyrophyllite. … Read more

Eco friendly Technologies

Eco friendly Technologies Rainwater harvesting technology Harvested rainwater can provide a source of alternative water to federal facilities. Alternative waters are sustainable sources of water, not supplied from fresh surface water or groundwater, that offset the demand for freshwater. Rainwater harvesting captures, diverts, and stores rainwater from rooftops for later use. Typical uses of rainwater … Read more

Environmental Education

Environmental Education Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the Environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions. Benefits of Environmental Education By studying environmental studies, it … Read more


 Sociology- Meaning, Scope and nature, Importance of its study. Relation with other Social Sciences Sociology is a discipline in social sciences concerned with the human Society and human social activities. It is one of the youngest social sciences. Auguste Comte, a French social thinker, is traditionally known as the ‘Father of Sociology’ as … Read more


 Vermiculture Vermiculture means artificial rearing or cultivation of worms (Earthworms) and the technology is the scientific process of using them for the betterment of human beings. Vermicompost is the excreta of earthworm, which is rich in humus. Earthworms eat cow dung or Farm Yard Manure along with other farm wastes and pass it … Read more