Environment pollution and solid waste management, types of solid waste, factors affecting solid waste generation

Solid Waste Management; Types of Solid waste Management; Factors affecting Solid Waste Generation Solid Waste Management Solid waste management is basic public Services which every citizen should have access to, both for INFRASTRUCTURE and cause the release of hazardous materials. War and conflict: War and conflict can also lead to an increase in the amount … Read more

IT Act (2000)

  The Government of India enacted the Information Technology (I.T.) Act with some major objectives to deliver and facilitate lawful electronic, digital, and online transactions, and mitigate cyber-crimes. The original Act contained 94 sections, divided in 13 chapters and 4 schedules. The laws apply to the whole of India. Persons of other nationalities can also be … Read more

National Cyber Crime Policy

National Cyber Crime Policy Cyberspace is a complex Environment consisting of interactions between people, Software and Services, supported by worldwide distribution of INFRASTRUCTURE and preservation of the confidentiality, Integrity and availability of information in cyberspace is the essence of a secure cyber space. The “National Cyber Security Policy” has hence been prepared in consultation with … Read more

Law and Rule related Administration

Law And Rule related Administration   Administrative Law Administrative law is the body of law created by the agencies and departments of the government, which carry out the laws passed by Center or a State Legislature. When Center passes a law on a complicated issue, Center  often needs help determining all of the details of … Read more

Goods and Services Tax — GST

What is GST? Goods and Services Tax — GST — is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services at a national level. Read moreGoods and Services Tax — GST

Tax Expenditure

The following are subtopics of tax expenditure: Exclusions Deductions Credits Deferrals Special rates Other tax expenditures Exclusions are amounts that are not included in gross income. For example, the exclusion of interest on state and local BondsBonds is a tax expenditure. Deductions are amounts that are subtracted from gross income to arrive at taxable income. … Read more

Intellectual Property Rights

Here is a list of subtopics under Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright Trademark Patent Trade secret Industrial design Plant variety protection Geographical indication Integrated circuit layout design Database right Sui generis right over traditional knowledge and folklore Moral rights Enforcement of intellectual property rights International intellectual property law Intellectual property and human rights Intellectual property and … Read more

Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 is an act to provide for the protection and improvement of the environment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The Act provides for the establishment of the Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards, and for the powers and functions of these Boards. It also provides … Read more

Taxes Levied and Collected and Retained by the States

Taxes Levied and Collected and Retained by the States The United States is a federal system of government, which means that power is shared between the federal government and the state governments. The federal government has certain powers that are enumerated in the Constitution, while the states have all other powers that are not specifically … Read more