kinetic theory of gases

Kinetic theory of gases The kinetic theory describes a gas as a large number of submicroscopic particles (atoms or Molecules), all of which are in constant rapid motion that has randomness arising from their many collisions with each other and with the walls of the container. According to kinetic theory of gases, the molecules of … Read more

work energy and power

Work energy and power Work is said to be done when a force applied on the body displaces the body through a certain distance in the direction of force.Mathematically, work is the force-displacement product (for those of you who prefer algebra) W = F x s cos a or the force-displacement path integral (for those … Read more


  The availability of reliable, quality and affordable power helps in the rapid agriculture, industrial and overall Economic Development of the state. The total installed utility power generation capacity is nearly 20,000 MW in the state. Only 11,400 MW is the committed power supply to the state with power purchase agreements. Rest of the capacity … Read more

Industrial Economy

Under Industrial Policy, keeping in view the priorities of the country and its Economic Development, the roles of the public and private sectors are clearly decided. Under the New Industrial Policy, the industries have been freed to a large extent from the licenses and other controls. In order to encourage modernisation, Stress has been laid … Read more

Industrial Transition in India

  The process of industrial transition divided into: industrial Growth during the 19th century and industrial progress during the 20th century Industrial growth during the 19th century Decline of indigenous industries and the rise of large scale modern industries 1850-55: first Cotton mill, first jute mill and the first coal mine established. Railway also introduced. … Read more


  Pipes and Cistern   Inlet: A pipe connected with a tank or a cistern or a reservoir, that fills it, is known as an inlet.   Outlet: A pipe connected with a tank or cistern or reservoir, emptying it, is known as an outlet.   If a pipe can fill a tank in xhours, then: … Read more

Non- metallic and conventional minerals [coal,petroleum and natural gas), (c) hydro electricity and non conventional sources of energy (Solar, Wind, bio-gas),(d) energy sources Their distribution and conservation.

  Petroleum, natural gas, coal, nitrogen, uranium and water power are examples of conventional sources of energy. They’re also called non-renewable sources of energy and are mainly fossil fuels, except water power. Rising Growth of Population has created a tremendous pressure on the conventional Resources of energy and thus the Concept of Sustainable Development get prominent … Read more

Minerals and Energy Resources : Distribution and utility of [a] metallic minerals (ion ore, copper, bauxite, manganese)

  Mineral is a naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness Minerals are valuable natural Resources that are finite and non-renewable. The history of mineral extraction in India dates back to the days of the Harappan civilization. The wide availability of minerals in the … Read more

Greenhouse effect

  The Greenhouse Effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s Atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. It is the process by which radiation from a planet’s atmosphere warms the planet’s surface to a … Read more


Elements of Climate and weather   Climate is decided by a region’s climate system. A climate system has few major components: the Atmosphere, the layer, the cryosphere, and the land surface. The atmosphere is that the most variable a part of the climate system. The composition and movement of gases encompassing the planet will change … Read more