Basics Computers

Computer is an electronic device that is designed to work with Information. term computer is derived from the Latin term‘computare’, this means to calculateor programmable machine. Computer cannot do anything without a Program. It represents the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits. The Word ‘Computer’ usually refers to the Center Processor Unit plus Internal memory. Charles Babbageis called the “Grand Father” of the computer. … Read more


Migration has been defined as crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movements of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, district or Municipality) to another within one … Read more

Basic Knowledge of Computers

Classifications, generations, applications and limitations of digital computers   Computer Classification: By Size and Power Computers differ based on their data processing abilities. They are classified according to purpose, data handling and functionality. According to functionality, computers are classified as: Analog Computer: A computer that represents numbers by some continuously variable physical quantity, whose variations mimic the properties of some … Read more


–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Definition of , search tools, web browsers, e-mail and search engines. IT applications: E-cards, E- shopping, E-Commerce.   INTERNET   The is a global Network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the , it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in … Read more

Modern concept of Marketing,

Marketing MANAGEMENT   MARKETING MANAGEMENT is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.   CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING   NEED/ WANT/ DEMAND:   Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.   Want: Desire … Read more

use of information technology in administration

Use of information technology in administration Public Administration, governed by bureaucratic structures built on rationale principles, that dominated the twentieth century, has failed to respond to the changing requirements of the present times. It is so because it tended to be rigid, laid too much emphasis on red-tapism; sap creativity; thwarted initiative; wore out dynamism … Read more


  Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.   CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING   NEED/ WANT/ DEMAND:   Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.   Want: Desire for specific … Read more