Moderates and Extremists in Indian Independence Struggle

Early phase of Indian National Congress was that of Moderators,They expected that if the problems of’ the nation were brought to Light through proper propaganda, the colonial government would take steps to improve matters. Thus in the initial years through lectures, writings in newspapers the nationalists put forward the main problems of the nation and … Read more

All India Services

 All India Services The Design of the Civil Service at Independence While designing a successor civil service, the Indian political leaders chose to retain Elements of the British structure of a unified administrative system such as an open-entry system based on academic achievements, elaborate training arrangements, permanency of tenure, important posts at Union, … Read more

All India Services

All India Services The All India Services (AIS) are a group of elite civil services in India. They are the highest-ranking civil servants in the country and are responsible for carrying out the policies of the central government. The AIS consists of four services: the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Police Service (IPS), the … Read more