Meaning of Economic and Social Development. Human Development Index (HDI)and Human Poverty Index (HPI).

Human Development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. The most critical ones are to lead a long and healthy life, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living. Additional choices include political freedom, guaranteed Human Rights and self-respect.Human development has to be development of the people, by the people, for the … Read more

Decentralized planning

Decentralized Planning is a type of planning where local organisations and institutions formulate, adopt, execute actions and supervise the plan without interference by the central body. Decentralized planning in the State operated mainly through the following institutions and instruments; Grama Sabha (GS): People’s participation in Decentralization was sought to be ensured mainly through meetings of … Read more

State Finance Commission

The State Finance Commissions are required to recommend financial support from the state and principles for determination of taxes, tolls and fees that could be assigned to or appropriated by the local bodies ARTICLE 243I of the Indian Constitution prescribes that the Governor of a State shall, as soon as may be within one year … Read more

Issues related to National Integrity and Security

Table of contents:- Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States, Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Threats Internal and External Threats; Threats of Conflicts, Naxal Problems, Terrorism, Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues, Communalism, Organised crimes, Cyber issues, Drug trafficking and other such issues. [su_heading size=”21″]Potential areas of socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States,[/su_heading] … Read more

Potential areas of socio-political conflicts

Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts Caste system The Caste System in India has its roots in ancient India. Just as the ashrama dharma laid down rules and duties with reference to the individual’s life in the world, varna or caste system prescribed duties with reference to the particular caste to which an individual belonged. Earlier … Read more

India relations with European Union

India relations with European Union The 1994 EU-India Cooperation Agreement provides the legal framework for EU-India relations. Since 2000, regular Summits have boosted political, economic and sectorial cooperation underpinned by the formation of the EU-India Strategic PARTNERSHIP in 2004. At the 14th EU-India Summit, held in New Delhi on 6 October 2017, the President of … Read more

India’s role in BRICS

India’s role in BRICS BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – five emerging nations that formed an alliance­ for economic and social development. The commonality between them is that they are all newly industrialised and aiming for maximum trade and development. Together, BRICS accounts for about 40% of the … Read more

India’s role in SAARC

India’s role in SAARC India dominates the South Asian landmass and, due to its peninsular geographical configuration, has a long coastline that offers access to the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the eponymous Indian Ocean. Of the member countries of SAARC, India Shares land borders with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and maritime … Read more

Finance Commission

Under the Constitution the financial Resources of the State are very limited though they have to do many works of social uplift under directive principles. In order to cope with their ever-expanding needs, the Central Government makes grants-in-aid to the States. Grant- in-aid to States , through it Central Government exercises a strict control over … Read more

Industrial development and Economic reforms in India : Major changes in industrial policy, its impact on industrial growth

The Indian Government had undertaken Industrial Policy reforms since 1980, but the most radical reforms have occurred since 1991, after the severe economic crisis in fiscal year 1990-91. These reforms mainly aim  at enhancing the efficiency and international competitiveness in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) forms an integral part of the Industrial Policy. FDI helps in … Read more