61st Amendment Act

The 61st Amendment Act of the Constitution of India was passed in 1989. It amended Article 368 of the Constitution to provide for the introduction of a new system of Panchayati Raj institutions in the country. The Act also provided for the devolution of powers and responsibilities to these institutions. The 61st Amendment Act was … Read more

Hinayana Buddhism

Hinayana Buddhism Hinayana Buddhism is the oldest surviving branch of Buddhism. It is also known as Theravada Buddhism, which means “the teaching of the elders.” Hinayana Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha, who lived in India in the 6th century BCE. The Buddha taught that the cause of suffering is desire, and … Read more

Early Buddhist Schools in India

Early Buddhist Schools in India Buddhism is one of the world’s major religions, with over 500 million followers. It originated in India over 2,500 years ago, and its teachings have had a profound impact on the culture and history of that region. One of the most important aspects of Buddhism is its emphasis on education. … Read more

Exploring the Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age)

The Paleolithic Period, also known as the Old Stone Age, represents a significant chapter in human history. Spanning from approximately 500,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE, this era witnessed the emergence and evolution of early human ancestors, their adaptation to various environments, and the development of essential survival skills. Key Characteristics of the Paleolithic Period Hominin … Read more

Unraveling the Legacy of Karikala Chola

Karikala Chola, also known as Karikalan, was a legendary ruler of the ancient Chola dynasty who left an indelible mark on South Indian history. His reign is shrouded in myth and legend, but his contributions to the Chola Empire are widely acknowledged by historians and scholars. 1. Early Life and Ascension Lineage: Karikala Chola was … Read more

Unlocking the Riches of the Sangam Age

The Sangam Age, also known as the Sangam Period, is a significant epoch in the history of South India. Spanning from around 300 BCE to 300 CE, it is renowned for its vibrant literary, cultural, and social advancements. This era saw the emergence of the Sangam literature, composed by Tamil poets and scholars under the … Read more

National Pension Scheme (NPS): Building Your Retirement Fund

The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a voluntary, market-linked pension scheme designed to promote retirement savings among Indian citizens. With increasing longevity and changing family structures, NPS aims to encourage long-term savings habits to secure financial freedom during one’s later years. Objectives of NPS Organized Pension System: Establish a structured pension system for all citizens, including … Read more