Natural disasters and safeguard measures

Disaster Management History shows that India is exposed to national disasters. INFRASTRUCTURE; and other efforts to make the community more resilient to a catastrophic event. Preparedness Preparedness focuses on understanding how a disaster might impact the community and how education, outreach and training can build capacity to respond to and recover from a disaster. This … Read more

Historical Introduction to Assam: From Pre-Historic to Independence and Strategy to cover it for APSC Prelims and Mains Exam

The ancient name of Assam was Pragiyotishpura – the city of Eastern Light, which later changed to Kamrupa – the land where Kamdeva, the god of love was reborn. Assam traces her history back to at least 2500 years B.C., when high civilization flourished in the land. During the era of Mahabharata, this land was ruled … Read more

Interrelationship of disaster and development.

Interrelationship Of Disaster And Development Debate regarding the relationship between socioeconomic development and natural disasters remains at the fore of global discussions, as the potential risk from Climate extremes and uncertainty pose an increasing threat to developmental prospects. This study reviews statistical investigations of disaster and development linkages, across topics of macroeconomic Growth, public governance … Read more

Archaeological sites in telangana

Archaeological sites in Telangana Archaeological Sites in Telangana deals with the ancient and medieval monuments and relics built during the time of Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, and Cholas and Kakatiya Dynastical regime. Later the Mughal and the Qutub Sahi Dynasty rose into power that added more archaeological sites, which are now tourist’s attractions. Khilla Ghanpur Khilla Ghanpur … Read more

Prehistoric Period

 Prehistoric period :- Races and culture The distant past when there was no paper or language or the written word, and hence no books or written document, is called as the Prehistoric period. It was difficult to understand how Prehistoric people lived until scholars began excavations in Prehistoric sites.Piecing together of information deduced … Read more

Pre Historic Period Races And Culture

 Prehistoric Period :- Races and culture The distant past when there was no paper or language or the written word, and hence no books or written document, is called as the Prehistoric period. It was difficult to understand how Prehistoric people lived until scholars began excavations in Prehistoric sites.Piecing together of information deduced … Read more

Flood And Drought Occurence

 Flood and Drought Occurrence Drought Drought is a complex, slow-onset phenomenon of ecological challenge that affects people more than any other natural hazards by causing serious economic, social and environmental losses in both developing and developed countries. The period of unusual dryness (i.e. drought) is a normal feature of the Climate and weather … Read more

DPPQ-Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age-Chandelas

Question:The Famous temples of Khujrao were buld by >>>Chandela >>>Cheras >>>Pratiharas >>>Holkars Question:Chandelas regard themselves as >>>chandra-vamshi >>>jal-kula >>>surya-vamshi >>>agni-kula Question:Chandelas were a feudal of >>>Pratiharas >>>Tomars >>>Cheras >>>Holkars Question:The founder of the Chandel dynasty was >>>Nannuk >>>Yashovarman >>>Harshdev >>>Jaishakti Question:Which ruler of the Chandel dynasty fought with Prithvi Raj III in the battle of … Read more

DPPQ-Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age- An Introduction

Question:In the early medival period the term “rajaputra” appeared as >>>Royal Officials >>>Royal Feudals >>>Sun Cult >>>Kings Question:In Rajput kingdoms it was commonly observed that a loyalty was towards >>>Clan >>>Rajput social grouping >>>Religion >>>None Question:The first major Rajput kingdom was >>>Sisodia >>>Tomaras >>>Chaulukyas >>>Paramaras Question:Rajputs have not stated lineage from which of the following … Read more