Rivers of Uttar Pradesh

  Ganga- Ganga is formed by 6 headstreams and 5 of their confluences. Bhagirathi is considered as source of river ganga which rises at the foot of gangotri glacier at gamukh at an elevation of 3892 mts, though there are many small streams that feed bhagirathi . The six headstreams are the Alaknanda, Dhauliganga, Nandakini, … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics in oceanography: Physical oceanography Chemical oceanography Biological oceanography Geological oceanography Marine geology Marine geophysics Marine biology Marine ecology Marine chemistry Marine physics Marine meteorology Ocean climate Ocean currents Ocean waves Tides Salinity Temperature Density Turbidity Transparency Color Sound speed Light penetration Phytoplankton ZooplanktonZooplankton Fish Marine mammals Seabirds Coral reefs … Read more