Fractions Any unit can be divided into any numbers of equal parts, one or more of this parts is called fraction of that unit. e.g. one-forth (1/4), one-third (1/3), three-seventh (3/7) etc. The lower part indicates the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided, is called denominator. The upper part, which indicates the number of … Read more

Dividend Distribution tax

Here is a list of sub topics without any description for Dividend Distribution tax: Introduction to Dividend Distribution Tax Who is liable to pay Dividend Distribution Tax? How is Dividend Distribution Tax calculated? When is Dividend Distribution Tax payable? Where to pay Dividend Distribution Tax? TDS on Dividend Distribution Return of Income for Dividend Distribution … Read more

Tax Evasion

Here is a list of sub topics without any description for Tax Evasion: Abatement Adjustment Assessment Audit Collection Criminal Investigation Enforcement Examination Fraud Interest Penalties Refund Return Statute of Limitations Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Tax Shelter Tax evasion is the illegal act of willfully failing to pay taxes. It is a crime that can result … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Shares: Common stock Preferred stock Convertible stock Warrants OptionsOptions Stock splits Stock dividends Stock buybacks Shareholder rights Shareholder activism Shareholder value Shares are a form of ownership in a company. When you buy shares, you become a part-owner of the company. The more shares you … Read more