Folk songs of Nagaland

Folk songs of Nagaland Nagaland Music represents the rhythmically rich cultural heritage of the state. The tribes living in the remote corners of Nagaland have their inherent tradition of music. Since there are various tribal communities in Nagaland, the music of the state also expresses the melodious diversity of the same. The themes on which … Read more

Folk dances of Haryana

Folk dances of Haryana Ghumar Dance  Some dancers receive their inspiration from religion. The gods and the Elements are invoked to shower their blessing  on the labours of a community.  Ghumar is a Rajasthani dance but it is popular in Laharu, Dadri and some parts of the Hissar and Bhiwani, bordering Rajasthan. The dance is … Read more

Cultural Status Of Jharkhand

  Oral tradition as a basis of customary practices The Adivasi customary practices evolve from the praxis of oral traditional. In other words, the culture defines the customary practices. It is reflected in what people give value to and what they value. The event is important rather than the time in which it took place. … Read more

Foundational values for civil services

Foundational Values for civil Services Values are the standards on which, we evaluate things. For every situation we don’t have time to ‘test’ the case on ethics theories such as utilitarianism. Values provide time saving short-cut in such situation. Under New public management (NPM), the concept of public services is fast changing. Bureaucrat has become … Read more

Gujarat: Drainage System

Gujarat have west flowing rivers of the country. These rivers form deep gorges and do not form deltas at the mouth of the river. Gujarat has many rivers; the four major rivers are mentioned here: Narmada, which originates at Amarkantak plateau and merges into the Arabian Sea at the end of its journey. For Hindus, … Read more

Concept of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization and concept of Modernity.

Concept Of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization-3/”>Globalization and Concept of Modernity Concept of Decolonization Decolonization refers to the undoing of colonialism, the establishment of governance or authority through the creation of settlements by another country or jurisdiction. The term generally refers to the achievement of independence by the various Western colonies and protectorates in Asia and [Africa]] following World War … Read more

Personnel, Financial, Administrative Law

Personnel Law Human resource managers in the twenty-first century are faced with an unprecedented intrusion of law into the workplace. The recent rise in EMPLOYMENT litigation and heightened awareness of employee rights in the last decade should signal to management that now more than ever, educating personnel executives in the trends and developments of employment … Read more

Organisational Behaviour and Management Concepts

FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT – ORGANIZING   Organizing is the process of identification and grouping of activities, assigning duties and delegating authority to the managers, allocating necessary Resources and establishing coordination among individuals and department of an organization with a view to attain its objectives.   PROCESS OF ORGANIZING :   The process of organising consists … Read more