Minerals in Meghalaya

Minerals in Meghalaya Meghalaya is endowed with sizeable deposits of a number of valuable minerals. Coal, limestone, uranium, granite, kaolin, clay and glass sand are the principal minerals. A brief account of mineral Resources is as follows: Limestone An extensive bed of limestone occurs in the Southern part of the State from Jaintia Hills in … Read more

Minerals of Telangana

Minerals of Telangana Minerals are of great economic value and have occupied a characteristic place amongst all the economic Resources. Minerals and mineral industries have significant macro links with the economy of a country. Mining activity generates EMPLOYMENT opportunities; is obviously an important source of tax revenue and contributes to NATIONAL INCOME thereby leading to … Read more


Minerals Minerals are defined as solid, inorganic, naturally occurring substances with a definite chemical formula and general structure. Almost all chemical Elements in the Earth’s crust are associated with at least one mineral. They vary in color, hardness, density, crystal form, crystal size, transparency, composition, location, and abundance. Some minerals are radioactive (uranophane), while others … Read more

Bihar Minerals

Bihar Minerals Introduction The mineral base of this state is very rich. Particularly the Chotanagpur plateau is very mineral rich field. It has an extensive and high quality coal deposits. Iron Ore and copper ore are also produced in Bihar. Bauxite, ore for aluminiumis also found here. This state has a reserve of pyrites and … Read more

Uttarakhand :Minerals

Mineral Resources contain rocks – quartzite ,marble, and various types of schist and gnesiss.the southern division contains rocks such as gneiss , limestone,phyllites,quartzite,sericite-biotite schist and slate. Some of the important Minerals of uttarakhand :  Asbestos  Copper  Graphite  Lead  Building stone  Magnestic  Iron  Gold  Slate  Sulphur … Read more

Minerals of Madhya Pradesh

 Minerals of Madhya Pradesh:- Minerals in Madhya Pradesh occur in abundance in its several districts. In terms of the mineral production the state ranks third next only to Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh. The state of Madhya is said to have a favourable geotectonic setting that accommodates every episode of mineralisation the earth has experienced. It includes … Read more

Allotropes Of Carbon

 Allotropes of carbon Allotropy is the property of some chemical Elements to exist in two or more different forms, or allotropes, when found in nature. There are several allotropes of carbon. Diamond Diamond is probably the most well known carbon allotrope. The carbon atoms are arranged in a lattice, which is a variation … Read more

Quick Revision-Allotropes of carbon

  QUICK REVISION SERIES   Allotropes Of Carbon: Concept of Allotropes:       An element, in different forms, having different physical properties but similar chemical properties is known as allotropes of that element. Carbon has three well known allotropes which are graphite, diamond and buck minster fullerene. These are formed by carbon atoms. Allotrope Type Properties Graphite Each … Read more

Minerals of Rajsthan

Metallic Minerals of Rajsthan Rajasthan ranks second only to Jharkhand in the availability of minerals and is blessed with 79 different minerals. Rajasthan has a monopoly in Non-Metallic Minerals ,while Rajasthan is not so rich in metallic minerals but the quality of metallic minerals available in the state is high.   Iron Although Rajasthan is … Read more

Rajasthan: Minerals

Rajasthan: Minerals     Rajasthan enjoys a virtual monopoly in the production of minerals like wollastonite, lead, zinc, calcite, gypsum, rock phosphate, silver, marble, sandstone and serpentine (green marble). There are approximately 3,403 mining leases for Major Minerals and 11,861 minor leases and 18,249 quarry licenses in the State. Western Rajasthan has proven large deposits … Read more