Role of public administration in the developed and developing societies

Following are the major role of administration and management in developing societies:-  promotion of a rational development of economic proportions through macroregulation,  control of the Privatization process of state-owned enterprises and public Services, securing free competition and transparency in its implementation,  securing an effective exercise of ownership rights of the State and … Read more

Comparative status of Developing, Emerging and Developed Countries,Problems of Developing Countries.- For RAS RTS Mains exam of RPSC

Various problems of developing countries are as follows:- The Uneven Pattern of Development:-The development gap has been widening for the very poorest countries. Lack of Resources for developement Inefficiency in resource use Inadequate Skilled human resources Stagnation in agricultural development Population Growth is one of the central problems of Economic Development. Some developing countries have … Read more

Administration and Management;Role in developed and developing societies

  Following are the major role of administration and management in developing societies:-  promotion of a rational development of economic proportions through macroregulation,  control of the Privatization process of state-owned enterprises and public Services, securing free competition and transparency in its implementation,  securing an effective exercise of ownership rights of the State … Read more

Cancun Agreements

The Cancun Agreements were a set of agreements reached at the 11th Conference of the Parties (COP 11) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Cancun, Mexico, from 29 November to 10 December 2007. The agreements focused on mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer, and capacity building. The main subtopics of … Read more