Health Schemes and Organizations

The state of Madhya Pradesh is one of the Empowered Action Group states of the National Health Mission. These states have struggled to contain Population Growth at manageable levels and have poorer Quality Of Life indicators than other states. The central government has released significant funds to address issues such as human Resources, social challenges, … Read more


 Microscope Microscope, instrument that produces enlarged images of small objects, allowing the observer an exceedingly close view of minute structures at a scale convenient for examination and analysis. Although optical microscopes are the subject of this ARTICLE, an image may also be enlarged by many other wave forms, including acoustic, X-ray, or electron … Read more

First Aid in Sports

First Aid in Sports First Aid in Sports is an important part of any sport. If there is an incident in sports, then all the facilities are provided by the doctors. If the incident is more big then it is refer to the hospital. Players have different types of injury. Acute Injuries The primary goal … Read more