Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalaya

Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalaya As the State lies in the seismically active zone, special emphasis should be given to reduce the impacts of earthquake. Moreover, it is also affected by hazards such as floods, flash floods, epidemics, fire, hailstorm, lightening, road accidents, etc. Earthquake The State of Meghalaya has witnessed seismic events … Read more

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha  Orissa is vulnerable to multiple disasters. Owing to its sub-tropical littoral location, the state is prone to tropical INFRASTRUCTURE in 14 districts of the State and disrupted public life very severely.  With millions of trees uprooted during the super cyclone, the State, especially the coastal … Read more

Impacts of Globalisation

Definition of Globalization-3/”>Globalization :- Its a process(not an outcome) characterized by increasing global Interconnections by gradual removal of barriers to trade and Investment between nation and higher economic efficiency through competitiveness. Various economic, political, social and cultural effects of globalization are as follows:- [su_heading size=”21″]Economic:-[/su_heading] Breaking down of national economic barriers International spread of Trade, … Read more

Assam-Vegetation and Forest

India is one of the 17 Megabiodiverse countries in the world and accounts for 7-8 % of the recorded species. The State of Assam is a constituent unit of the Eastern Himalayan Hinduism (B) Islam (C) Christianity (D)

Environment and sustainable development.

Environmental influences are important both at the prenatal and postnatal stages of Human Development. At the prenatal stage, when a fetus is in the mother’s womb,  internal or external harmful agents, such as certain legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, lead and pollutants can harm the unborn baby’s development. The mother’s Nutrition, diseases and emotional Stress … Read more

Development Vs. Nature / Environment; Depletion of Natural Resources

Environmental influences are important both at the prenatal and postnatal stages of Human Development. At the prenatal stage, when a fetus is in the mother’s womb,  internal or external harmful agents, such as certain legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, lead and pollutants can harm the unborn baby’s development. The mother’s Nutrition, diseases and emotional Stress … Read more

Developmental and Environmental issues

INFRASTRUCTURE is essential for increasing economic progress and reducing POVERTY. The choices made in the type and scale of infrastructure Investment also have major implications for environmental sustainability. Land New infrastructure typically involves land use change and the selection of the site and its proximity to human settlement will significantly affect its impact. Refurbishment, rebuilding … Read more

Environmental pollution and degradation

The major causes of the Environmental Degradation are modern Urbanization, industrialization, over-Population Growth, deforestation etc. Environmental pollution refers to the degradation of quality and quantity of natural Resources. Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of “enoughness” in his saying “the earth provides enough to satisfy every persons need but not for every person’s greed” According to World Commission … Read more

Issues in Agriculture

Main Issues In national priority setting, the following recurring and emerging issues for sustainable agricultural development and POVERTY alleviation must be considered: Population pressure and demographic transition; Resource base degradation and water scarcity; Investment in agriculture, structural adjustment and impact on the poor; Globalization-3/”>Globalization and implication on the poor; Modern science and technology and support … Read more