Monetary Policy TOOL: There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used for implementing monetary policy. Repo rate: The (fixed) interest rate at which the Reserve Bank provides overnight liquidity to banks against the collateral of government and other approved securities under the Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate: The (fixed) interest rate … Read more

Concept of Money Supply and High Powered Money:-For RAS/RTS Exams

Money Supply is the entire stock of currency and other liquid instruments in a country’s economy as of a particular time. The money supply can include cash, coins and balances held in checking and Savings accounts. Money Supply can be estimated as narrow or Broad Money. There are four measures of money supply in India … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics related to money: Accounting Banking Budgeting Investing Personal finance Saving Taxes Wealth management I hope this is helpful! Money is a vital part of our lives. It allows us to buy the things we need and want, and it can also be used to invest in our future. However, … Read more