Impacts of Globalisation:-

Definition of Globalization-3/”>Globalization :- Its a process(not an outcome) characterized by increasing global Interconnections by gradual removal of barriers to trade and Investment between nation and higher economic efficiency through competitiveness. Various economic, political, social and cultural effects of globalization are as follows:- [su_heading size=”21″]Economic:-[/su_heading] Breaking down of national economic barriers International spread of Trade, … Read more

RAS(RTS) Exam Prelims Notes for Indian Constitution, Political System &Governance

Indian Constitution, Political System &Governance For Notes Click Here – Money Supply. What are the major challenges facing India today? India is facing a number of challenges today, including POVERTY, illiteracy, Corruption, and Environmental Degradation. India is also facing the challenge of maintaining its unity and diversity in the face of growing Regionalism and Communalism. … Read more

Situational Discretion of Governor

Situational Discretion of Governor The situational discretion of governor is a term used to describe the power that a governor has to make decisions based on the specific circumstances of a situation. This power is often used in cases where there is no clear law or policy that applies, or where the law or policy … Read more

AICHI Biodiversity Targets

The Aichi Biodiversity Targets are 20 targets that were adopted by the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010. The targets are designed to guide global efforts to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable use of its components. The Aichi Biodiversity Targets are: By 2020, at … Read more

Business Advisory Committee

A Business Advisory Committee (BAC) is a group of individuals who are appointed by a company to provide advice and guidance on a variety of business-related matters. BACs can be formed for a variety of reasons, such as to provide strategic direction, to help with decision-making, or to provide support and resources. BACs typically consist … Read more


What is Quorum? Quorum is a term used in many different contexts, but it generally refers to the minimum number of people or things that must be present in order for something to happen. In the context of blockchain technology, quorum refers to the minimum number of nodes that must be online and synchronized in … Read more

Role Of Cabinet

The Cabinet is the principal executive body of the United States government. It consists of the President, the Vice President, and the heads of the 15 executive departments. The Cabinet is responsible for advising the President on matters of policy and for helping to carry out the President’s agenda. The Cabinet was created by the … Read more

Absolute Veto

Absolute Veto An absolute veto is a power held by a single person or group to block a decision made by a larger group. This power is often used in political systems to prevent changes that are seen as harmful or unnecessary. In the United Nations Security Council, the five permanent members (China, France, Russia, … Read more

Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary Committees Parliamentary committees are a vital part of the legislative process. They provide a forum for elected representatives to debate and scrutinize legislation, and to hold the government to account. There are many different types of parliamentary committees, each with its own specific role. Some committees are responsible for scrutinizing the government’s spending, while … Read more

Election of President

The Election of President The election of a president is a complex process that involves many different steps. The first step is to determine who is eligible to be president. The Constitution states that the president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years old, and a resident of the … Read more