Development Administration

Development is the end result of Public Administration. The paradigm of development is depending on the nature of government and its policies. It may be ideologically driven or ethically motivated. It strips off the orthodox structuralism of public administration as put forward by classical Administrative theorists and attempts to cater the emerging need of a … Read more

Team Building (Staffing)

    Staffing refers to the managerial function of employing and developing human Resources for carrying out the various managerial and non-managerial activities in an organisation. This involves determining the manpower requirement, and the methods of recruiting, selecting, training and developing the people for various positions created in the organisation.   Staffing function is an … Read more

Decentralization:Top down planning and bottom up planning

Decentralization:Top down planning and bottom up planning Decentralised planning is a kind of percolation of planning activities or process from the Centre to the sub- state levels, i.e., district, sub-division, block and village level. Since the inception of First Plan, the importance of decentralised planning was emphasised in order to achieve active people’s participation in … Read more

Human resource development

Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of Social Change, three things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of those who are sought to be changed, i.e. students. Educational institutions … Read more

Coordination and Deligation

COORDINATION   “The Harmonization of activities of different work groups and departments.”   Coordination is the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal. All these departments must function in an integrated manner so that the organisational goal can be duly achieved. Thus, coordination … Read more


Concept and meaning   Decision making is the process of identifying and selecting a course of action to solve a specific problem.   Decision making involves the selection of a course of action from among two or more possible alternatives in order to arrive at a solution for a given problem.   Decision-making is an … Read more

Remote Sensing GIS And Its Application

 Remote sensing- GIS and its application   Remote Sensing Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation. In current usage, the term “remote sensing” generally refers to the use of satellite- or aircraft-based sensor technologies … Read more

Time And Distance And Intrest

 Time and distance Relationship between speed, distance and time Speed = Distance / Time or Distance = Speed × Time Average Speed = 2xy / x+y where x km/hr is a speed for certain distance and y km/hr is a speed at for same distance covered. As we know, Speed = Distance/ Time. … Read more

Resposiblity Accounting

 RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING   Responsibility accounting is a management control system based on the principles of delegating and locating responsibility. The authority is delegated on responsibility centre and accounting for the responsibility centre. Responsibility accounting is a system under which managers are given decisions making authority and responsibility for each activity occurring within a … Read more

PDCA Cycle

 PDCA Cycle Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)  is a well-known and respected approach to helping teams plan and implement a solution to a problem, often testing it on a micro scale and reviewing the results before agreeing how to proceed. PDCA encourages an engaged, problem-solving workforce – the method is not limited to … Read more