
Persuasion Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. Persuasion can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s (or a group’s) Attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, … Read more

Persuasive Communication

Persuasion Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. Persuasion can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s (or a group’s) Attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, … Read more

Constituent Assembly Debate on Abolition of Death Penalty

 Constituent Assembly Debate on Abolition of Death Penalty The Constituent Assembly of India was a body of elected representatives that drafted the Constitution of India. The Assembly met from 1946 to 1950 and was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. One of the issues that the Constituent Assembly debated was the death penalty. There were strong … Read more

Point of Order

Point of Order A point of order is a formal objection raised during a meeting or debate. It is used to call attention to a violation of the rules or procedures of the meeting. A point of order can be raised by any member of the meeting or debate, and it must be ruled on … Read more

Adjournment Motion

Adjournment Motion An adjournment motion is a motion that is moved in a legislative body to adjourn the sitting of the house. It is a motion of urgency and is usually moved to discuss a matter of public importance. The motion can be moved by any member of the house and is usually debated for … Read more

Motions in parliament

Motions in Parliament A motion is a proposal that is put forward for discussion or decision in a meeting. In Parliament, motions are used to initiate debate on a particular issue, to propose a change to the law, or to express the will of the House on a matter of public importance. Motions can be … Read more

Constituent Assembly Debates on Reservations

The Constituent Assembly Debates on Reservations were a series of discussions that took place in the Constituent Assembly of India between 1946 and 1950. The debates were centered on the issue of reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Indian government and public services. The debates were heated and often contentious, with members … Read more

Parliamentary Forums

Parliamentary Forums Parliamentary forums are a type of public meeting where people can come together to discuss and debate issues of public importance. They can be held in a variety of settings, such as schools, libraries, community centers, or even online. Parliamentary forums can be a great way to learn about different perspectives on important … Read more

Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary Committees Parliamentary committees are a vital part of the legislative process. They provide a forum for elected representatives to debate and scrutinize legislation, and to hold the government to account. There are many different types of parliamentary committees, each with its own specific role. Some committees are responsible for scrutinizing the government’s spending, while … Read more