Cash Crops

What is a Cash Crop? A cash crop is a crop that is grown primarily for sale for profit, rather than for consumption by the grower or the grower’s family. Cash crops are often grown in developing countries, where they can provide a valuable source of income for farmers. However, cash CroppingCropping can also have … Read more

Food Crops

Food Crops Food crops are plants that are cultivated for their edible parts. They are the primary source of food for humans and animals, and they play a vital role in the global economy. There are many different types of food crops, but some of the most common include: CerealsCereals: Cereals are the most important … Read more

Relay Intercropping

Relay IntercroppingIntercropping Relay Intercropping is a type of intercropping in which two or more crops are grown in sequence in the same field. The first crop is harvested, and then the second crop is planted. This type of intercropping can be used to extend the growing season, improve SoilSoil fertility, and control pests and diseases. … Read more

Alley Cropping

Alley CroppingCropping Tree/Shrub Selection Alley Width Crop Selection (for alleys) SoilSoil Health and Erosion Control Water Management Pest and Disease Management Light Management Potential Yields Economic Considerations Tree/Shrub Selection The success of alley Cropping begins with selecting tree or shrub species that suit the climate, Soil, and overall objectives: Nitrogen-fixing species: Leguminous trees improve soil fertility … Read more

Rain Fed Farming

Rain Fed Farming Rain fed farming is a type of agriculture that relies on rainfall for water. It is a traditional method of farming that has been used for centuries in many parts of the world. Rain fed farming is often used in areas where there is little or no access to irrigation water. There … Read more