Specialized Farming

Specialized Farming Specialized farming is a type of agriculture that focuses on the production of a single crop or LivestockLivestock product. This type of farming is often used to produce high-value crops or Livestock that can be sold for a premium price. Specialized farming can be more profitable than traditional farming, but it also requires … Read more

Mixed Farming

What is Mixed Farming? Mixed farming is a type of agricultural system that involves the raising of both crops and LivestockLivestock. This type of farming is often practiced in areas where there is a variety of land types and climates, as it allows farmers to diversify their operations and reduce their risk. Crop Selection Livestock … Read more

Diversified Farming

Diversified Farming Diversified farming is a type of agriculture that involves growing a variety of crops or raising a variety of LivestockLivestock. This type of farming is often used to reduce risk and increase profits. There are many benefits to diversified farming. One benefit is that it can help to reduce risk. When farmers grow … Read more

Principles of Crop Rotation

Principles of Crop Rotation Crop rotation is the practice of growing a variety of crops in the same field in a planned sequence over a period of years. This helps to improve SoilSoil health, control pests and diseases, and increase crop yields. Crop Family Considerations Nutrient Demands of Crops Root Depth Variation Nitrogen-Fixing Crops (Legumes) … Read more

Crop Rotation

What is Crop Rotation? Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops in the same field in a planned sequence over a period of years. This helps to improve SoilSoil health, control pests and diseases, and increase crop yields. Two-Field Rotations Three-Field Rotations Four-Field Rotations (and beyond) Sod Crops in Rotation Green … Read more

Green Leaf Manuring

Green Leaf Manuring Green manure is a type of organic fertilizer that is made from growing and then incorporating green plants into the SoilSoil. Green manure plants are typically legumes, such as alfalfa or clover, but they can also be non-legumes, such as buckwheat or mustard. Plant Sources Trees and shrubs Herbaceous plants WeedsWeeds (non-invasive) … Read more

Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)

Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) is a holistic approach to managing nutrients in agricultural systems. It takes into account the entire nutrient cycle, from the source of nutrients to their application and use in crops, to their fate after harvest. INM aims to optimize nutrient use efficiency, minimize nutrient losses, and protect … Read more

System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

System of Rice Intensification (SRI) System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a rice cultivation technique that emphasizes the use of fewer inputs, such as water and fertilizer, while increasing yields. SRI was developed in Madagascar in the 1980s by Henri de Laulanié, a French agronomist. Nursery Management Seed selection and preparation Raised bed nursery techniques … Read more

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY): A Crop Insurance Safety Net for Indian Farmers

The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), launched in 2016, is a flagship crop insurance scheme aimed at providing financial protection to farmers against crop losses arising from natural calamities, pests, and diseases. It marks a significant shift from traditional ad-hoc insurance policies towards a comprehensive and subsidized scheme offering greater security to the farming … Read more