Dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions

Dispute Redressal Mechanisms and Institutions. Emergence and use of Alternative Dispute Redressal Mechanisms. In a Democracy, the citizens make the government and hold it accountable. Government is operated by Bureaucracy for whom the rules and regulations are more important than helping the citizens. Also, it tends to keep things secret and department like electricity and … Read more

Sources of Income of State Government

The constitution (73rd and 74th) Amendment Acts, 1992 and ARTICLE 280 (3) (c) have altered the erstwhile fiscal devolution system and framework between the states and local governments. Under the new fiscal devolution system every State Government is required to constitute, once in five years, a Finance Commission under articles 243 (I) and entrust it … Read more

Judiciary : Composition, Structure and Function

Union Judiciary : The Supreme Court ; its role and powers The Supreme Court is the highest court of The Indian Republic.  Judiciary, the third organ of the government, has an important role to play in the governance. It settles the disputes, interprets laws, protects Fundamental Rights and acts as guardian of the Constitution. India … Read more

Public Interest Litigation

“Public Interest Litigation“,is a litigation filed in a court of law, for the protection of “Public Interest” , such as pollution, Terrorism, Road safety, constructional hazards etc. ARTICLE 32 of the Indian Constitution contains the tool which directly joins the public with the judiciary. Public Interest Litigation is not mentioned in any constitution or a … Read more

The Rashtrakutas

Rashtrakutas The Rashtrakutas called themselves descendants of one named Satyaki. But there is difference of opinion about their origin among the historians. According to some they were originally of Dravidian peasant extraction. From some of the inscriptions of the Chalukya kings it is known that the Rashtrakutas were feudatories of the Chalukyas. Perhaps their original … Read more

Common Market

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Common Market: Common market Economic integration European Economic Community European Single Market Free trade area Single market Trade bloc Customs Union Economic Union Political union A common market is a type of economic integration where countries agree to remove all trade barriers between them and … Read more

Inter-State Water Disputes Tribunals

Inter-State Water Disputes Tribunals Introduction Water is a precious resource that is essential for life. It is also a finite resource, and as the world’s population continues to grow, the demand for water will only increase. This is leading to increased competition for water resources, both within and between countries. In India, there are a … Read more

Appellate Jurisdiction

Appellate jurisdiction is the power of a court to review a lower court’s decision. Appellate courts are courts of review, and they do not have the power to hear new evidence or to make new findings of fact. Instead, they review the record of the lower court’s proceedings and decide whether the lower court made … Read more

Ad hoc Judges

Ad hoc Judges An ad hoc judge is a judge who is appointed to hear a specific case or cases, rather than being a permanent member of a court. Ad hoc judges are often appointed to international courts, where there may not be enough permanent judges to hear all of the cases that come before … Read more