Kharif Crops

What are Kharif Crops? Kharif crops are crops that are grown during the rainy season in India. The word “Kharif” comes from the Arabic word “kharif”, which means “autumn”. Kharif crops are typically planted in June or July and harvested in October or November. The main Kharif crops in India are rice, maize, CottonCotton, jute, … Read more

Fibre Crops

Fibre Crops Fibre crops are plants that are grown for their fibers, which can be used to make a variety of products, including textiles, paper, and building materials. The most common fibre crops are CottonCotton, flax, hemp, and jute. Cotton Flax Hemp Jute Other Fibre Crops Benefits of Fibre Crops Challenges of Fibre Crops Cotton … Read more

Major Crops of India

Major Crops of India India is a land of diverse geography and climate, which makes it ideal for growing a wide variety of crops. The country’s top five major crops are rice, wheat, sugarcane, CottonCotton, and oilseeds. Rice Wheat Sugarcane Cotton Oilseeds Other Major Crops Rice Rice is the staple food of India and is … Read more