Collective Investment Scheme (CIS)

Here is a list of subtopics about Collective InvestmentInvestment Scheme (CIS): Types of CIS Open-ended fund Closed-ended fund Exchange-traded fund (ETF) Unit trust Investment trust Structure of CIS Trustee Manager Custodian Auditor Regulation of CIS Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Investment objectives of CIS Growth Income Balanced Defensive Risks of CIS Market … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics about bonds: Bond basics What is a bond? Types of bonds How bonds work Bond pricing Bond yields Bond risk Bond returns Bond investing How to buy bonds When to buy bonds How to sell bonds Bond ladders Bond ETFs Bond Mutual Funds Bond analysis Bond ratings Bond spreads … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Debentures: Debenture definition Debenture types Debenture features Debenture advantages Debenture disadvantages Debenture issuance process Debenture repayment process Debenture default Debenture ratings Debenture trading Debenture investing Debenture risks Debenture regulations Debenture accounting Debenture TaxationTaxation Debenture law Debenture history Debenture future A debenture is a loan that … Read more

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

Here is a list of sub topics under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Insolvency Professional Agencies Insolvency Professionals Insolvency Resolution Process Liquidation Process Corporate Debt Restructuring Process Personal Insolvency Process Cross-border insolvency Enforcement of foreign insolvency orders Miscellaneous The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is a landmark legislation that … Read more

Environment Management Plan

Here is a list of subtopics for an Environment Management Plan: Introduction Scope Objectives Environmental aspects Impacts Legal and regulatory requirements Management program Monitoring and auditing Review and update Appendices The introduction should provide a brief overview of the plan, including its purpose, scope, and objectives. The scope should define the boundaries of the plan, … Read more

Booth Capturing

What is Booth Capturing? Booth capturing is a type of event marketing that involves setting up a booth at a trade show or other event to promote your product or service. The goal of booth capturing is to generate leads and sales by engaging with potential customers in a face-to-face setting. How to Set Up … Read more

Sunset Clause in India

Sunset Clause in India A sunset clause is a provision in a contract or agreement that specifies a date after which the contract or agreement will automatically terminate. This type of clause is often used in business contracts, as it allows both parties to know when the agreement will end and to plan accordingly. Sunset … Read more