Human Right Commission

Human Rights Commission Establishment of Human Right Commission The National Human Rights Commission is a statutory (and not a constitutional) body. It was established in 1993 under a legislation enacted by the Parliament, namely, The Protection Of Human Rights Act, 1993. This Act was amended in 2006. The commission is the watchdog of human rights … Read more

Human Rights Commission

 Human Rights Commission Establishment of Human Right Commission The National Human Rights Commission is a statutory (and not a constitutional) body. It was established in 1993 under a legislation enacted by the Parliament, namely, The Protection Of Human Rights Act, 1993. This Act was amended in 2006. The commission is the watchdog of … Read more

International And Regional

 International and Regional Organisations   International Organizations   An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There are two main types: International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs): non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate internationally. These include international non-profit organizations and worldwide companies such as the World Organization of the Scout Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross. Intergovernmental organizations, also known as international governmental … Read more

Important Environmental Treaties

Biodiversity and extinction of species. Green NATIONAL INCOME Account Conventional National Income Accounting does not capture the Environmental Degradation due to production and consumption This omission leads to misrepresentation of improvements in social welfare Since there is no market for many environmental resources, it is difficult to place monetary values on them Index of Sustainable … Read more

Human Rights:- For Ras RTS Mains examination

Human Rights are commonly understood as inalienable Fundamental Rights “to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being,” and which are “inherent in all human beings” regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. The history of human rights can be traced to past documents, … Read more

Convention On The Conservation Of Migratory Species (Cms)

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), also known as the Bonn Convention, is an international treaty that aims to conserve migratory animals and their habitats. The CMS was adopted in Bonn, Germany, on 23 June 1979 and entered into force on 1 November 1983. As of 2023, there are … Read more

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Objective Scope Definitions General provisions Advance informed agreement procedure Risk assessment and risk management Handling, transport and packaging Information exchange Capacity building and transfer of technology Institutional arrangements Relationship with other international agreements Final provisions The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty adopted in Montreal, Canada on … Read more

Nagoya—Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol

The Nagoya—Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international agreement that was adopted on 29 October 2010. The Protocol aims to promote the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources. The Protocol has 10 sub-topics: Objective Scope … Read more

Inter-State Water Disputes Tribunals

Inter-State Water Disputes Tribunals Introduction Water is a precious resource that is essential for life. It is also a finite resource, and as the world’s population continues to grow, the demand for water will only increase. This is leading to increased competition for water resources, both within and between countries. In India, there are a … Read more