Impact of Liberalisation

  The leading economists of the country differ in their opinion about the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of the policy of liberalisation.INFRASTRUCTURE by the Indian and foreign investors have generated great employment opportunities for the professionals, and skilled and unskilled workers. 5. Development of Infrastructure: Prior to the liberalisation, the infrastructure (roads and electricity) were in … Read more

Impacts of Privatization for Ras Rts mains exam of RPSC

Privatization in generic terms refers to the process of transfer of ownership, can be of both permanent or long term lease in nature, of a once upon a time state-owned or public owned property to individuals or groups that intend to utilize it for private benefits and run the entity with the aim of profit maximization. ADVANTAGES … Read more

JPSC Prelims Notes for Economic Concepts and Indian Economy

Basic Features of Indian economy [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”100″ tax_term=”1322″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] (I) NATIONAL INCOME ; Elementary concepts of national Income and methods of its calculation e-g,GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, CSDP. NSDP, DDP at constant and current prices, at Factor Cost etc; (II) Inflation : Concept control of inflation : monetary, fiscal and direct measures. (III)Demographic … Read more

The Imperative of Transparency in Modern Governance and Business

The Imperative of Transparency in Modern Governance and Business Transparency is increasingly recognized as a fundamental principle in both governance and business practices worldwide. It signifies openness, communication, and accountability, facilitating an EnvironmentEnvironment where decisions and processes are open to scrutiny and evaluation. This article delves into the essence of transparency, its significance, the challenges … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics under Industry: Aerospace Agriculture Automotive Banking Biotechnology Construction Consumer goods Defense Education Energy Entertainment Financial services Food and beverage Healthcare Hospitality Insurance Internet Manufacturing Media Mining Nonprofit Pharmaceuticals Real estate Retail Technology Telecommunications Transportation Utilities Industry is a broad term that refers to the production of goods and services. … Read more

Financial Sector Reforms

The following are subtopics of financial sector reforms: Banking sector reforms Insurance sector reforms Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) reforms Payments and settlement systems reforms Financial literacy and inclusion reforms Regulatory reforms Supervisory reforms Corporate governance reforms Anti-MoneyMoney laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) reforms Financial stability reforms Financial InfrastructureInfrastructure reforms Financial technology (FinTech) … Read more

National Anti Profiteering Agency

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for National Anti Profiteering Agency: Anti-profiteering Central Board of Excise and Customs Department of Consumer Affairs Directorate General of Anti-Profiteering National Anti Profiteering Authority Profiteering Rules for the Prevention of Profiteering The Essential Commodities Act, 1955 The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 Anti-profiteering is a measure … Read more

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The following are subtopics of Consumer Price Index (CPI): Consumer Price Index (CPI) All Items All Items Less Food and Energy Food and Beverages Food Beverages Energy Energy Commodities Energy Services Housing Rent of Primary Residence Owners’ Equivalent Rent of Primary Residence Household Operations Apparel Transportation Medical Care Recreation Education Communication Other Goods and Services … Read more

GDP Deflator

The following are subtopics of GDP deflator: Definition Formula Calculation Uses Limitations Examples Related topics The GDP deflator is a measure of the level of prices of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a given year compared to a base year. It is calculated by dividing the nominal GDP by the … Read more

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a statutory body established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The FSSAI is responsible for laying down science-based standards for food safety, regulating food safety practices, and enforcing food safety laws in India. The FSSAI has a wide range of functions, including: Laying … Read more