Democracy: Direct and Indirect

Democracy: Direct and Indirect Democracy in modern usage, is a System of Government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as “rule of the majority”. Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes … Read more


Concept and meaning   Decision making is the process of identifying and selecting a course of action to solve a specific problem.   Decision making involves the selection of a course of action from among two or more possible alternatives in order to arrive at a solution for a given problem.   Decision-making is an … Read more

Functioning under a Coalition Government

Coalition Government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. Coalition governments are usually formed as no party can individually achieve a majority in the parliament. However, a coalition government may also be created in a time of national difficulty or crisis. If a coalition collapses, a confidence vote is held … Read more

Rules Committee

The Rules Committee is a group of seven members who are responsible for making and enforcing the rules of the House of Representatives. The committee is made up of four Democrats and three Republicans, and it is chaired by the Speaker of the House. The Rules Committee meets weekly to consider legislation that is being … Read more


What is Quorum? Quorum is a term used in many different contexts, but it generally refers to the minimum number of people or things that must be present in order for something to happen. In the context of blockchain technology, quorum refers to the minimum number of nodes that must be online and synchronized in … Read more