Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation

Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation in India India is an agrarian economy with more than half of the Population living in rural areas and depending on agriculture for their income. However, since the economic INFRASTRUCTURE Sector as it is one of the key drivers responsible for India’s propelling economic Growth. Infrastructure Development in India has been … Read more

Right to Education Act

Education is the most powerful tool which can shape the destiny of an individual as well as the whole nation. It is also the key to INFRASTRUCTURE including school building, teaching staff and Learning equipment;, The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act) is an Act of the Parliament of … Read more

Free And Compulsory Primary Education

 Free and Compulsory primary Education The Indian Constitution is a social document and the supreme law of the land. The founding fathers of the Constitution have incorporated a well designed constitutional manifesto under Part-IV of the Constitution to achieve socio-economic Justice. The Directive Principles of State Policy are principles of Good Governance. Education … Read more

Types of Disinvestment

Types of DisinvestmentDisinvestment: Sale of SharesShares Sale of assets Closure of a unit Merger or demerger Strategic sale Offer for sale Initial public offering Employee stock ownership plan Management buyout Leveraged buyout Management buy-in Trade sale Private placement Delisting Disinvestment is the process of selling off assets or shares in a company. It can be … Read more