Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries,

Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries, The  state of Jharkhand, widely acclaimed as the region of future, has enormous potentialities for industrialization. With its large deposits of Minerals, it provides a solid launching pad for all kinds of industries. Born out of partition from old Bihar state in 2000, Jharkhand produces … Read more

Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Profile of Himachal Pradesh

Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Profile of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh is highly vulnerable State to a large number of natural as well as man- made disasters. Earthquake and floods has jolted this hilly State many times and caused great losses to the State. Flood, cloudburst, landslide and cloud burst are other common natural calamities of … Read more

Inclusive Growth

The term Sustainable Growth became prominent after the World Conservation Strategy Presented in 1980 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Brundland Report(1987) define Sustainable Development as the a process which seek to meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation … Read more

Workers and Tribal movements

Workers, Peasant And Tribal Movements In British India Indigo Revolt (1859-60) The Indigo revolt of Bengal was directed against British planters who forced peasants to take advances and sign fraudulent contracts which forced the peasants to grow Indigo under terms which were the least profitable to them.  The revolt began in Govindpur village in Nadia … Read more

Export potential of agriculture-horticulture-livestock

Export potential of india’s  agriculture sector India’s agrarian culture and diverse Climate types have made significant contributions to the global food basket. Mangoes, curries, snacks, and spices from India are famous all over the world. For a quick look at some data points, India leads the production of bananas, papayas, and mangoes in the world. … Read more

A Tool for Transparency and Accountability

A Tool for Transparency and Accountability Social audits have emerged as powerful tools for enhancing transparency, accountability, and community participation in governance. By evaluating government programs and schemes against their intended social objectives, social audits provide a critical assessment of their performance and impact. This article explores the concept, significance, methodologies, and impact of social … Read more

Talanoa Dialogue

The following are the subtopics of the Talanoa Dialogue: Introduction The Talanoa Dialogue Process The Talanoa Dialogue Framework The Talanoa Dialogue Principles The Talanoa Dialogue Outcomes The Talanoa Dialogue Next Steps The Talanoa Dialogue is a process of inclusive, participatory, and transparent dialogue that is grounded in the principles of respect, trust, and reciprocity. It … Read more