Business Advisory Committee

A Business Advisory Committee (BAC) is a group of individuals who are appointed by a company to provide advice and guidance on a variety of business-related matters. BACs can be formed for a variety of reasons, such as to provide strategic direction, to help with decision-making, or to provide support and resources. BACs typically consist … Read more

Standing Committees

What is a Standing Committee? A standing committee is a permanent committee of a legislative body that is responsible for a specific area of legislation. Standing committees are typically appointed by the presiding officer of the legislative body, and they have the power to subpoena witnesses and documents, hold hearings, and report their findings to … Read more

Legislative Procedure in State Legislature

Legislative Procedure in State Legislature Legislative procedure is the process by which laws are made in a legislature. It is a complex and often time-consuming process, but it is essential to ensure that laws are properly considered and debated before they are passed. The legislative process begins with the introduction of a bill. A bill … Read more

Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary Committees Parliamentary committees are a vital part of the legislative process. They provide a forum for elected representatives to debate and scrutinize legislation, and to hold the government to account. There are many different types of parliamentary committees, each with its own specific role. Some committees are responsible for scrutinizing the government’s spending, while … Read more

Cabinet Committees

Cabinet Committees A cabinet committee is a group of senior ministers in the government who are responsible for a particular area of policy. Cabinet committees are appointed by the prime minister and are chaired by a senior minister. The committees meet regularly to discuss and make decisions on policy matters. There are a number of … Read more