Co-operative movement in India and M.P

Co-operative movement in India and M.P The cooperative movement in India has its origin in agriculture and allied sectors. The first Cooperative Credit Societies Act was enacted in 1904.Subsequently a more comprehensive legislation called the Cooperative Societies Act was enacted. This Act provided for the creation of the post of registrar of cooperative societies and … Read more

Coperative Society

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Co-operative movement in India and M.P The cooperative movement in India has its origin in agriculture and allied sectors. The first Cooperative Credit Societies Act was enacted in 1904.Subsequently a more comprehensive legislation called the Cooperative Societies Act was enacted. This Act provided for the creation … Read more

Urban Cooperative Banks

Here is a list of subtopics about Urban Cooperative banks: History of Urban Cooperative Banks Structure of Urban Cooperative Banks Regulation of Urban Cooperative Banks Performance of Urban Cooperative Banks Challenges faced by Urban Cooperative Banks Future of Urban Cooperative Banks I hope this helps! Urban cooperative banks (UCBs) are a type of financial institution … Read more

Economic Systems

Here is a list of subtopics on economic systems: Traditional economy Command economy Market economy Mixed economy Gift economy Barter economy Commodity money economy Representative money economy Fiat money economy Credit economy Debt economy Share economy Cooperative economy Socialist economy Communist economy Capitalist economy Mercantilist economy Keynesian economy Monetarist economy Supply-side economy Austrian school economy … Read more