Gujarat Planned Development

Gujarat Planned Development Necessity and Meaning of Planned Development: When Independence came, India had a slender industrial base. Millions of her rural people suffered under the weight of a traditional agrarian structure. A long period of economic stagnation, against the background of increasing pressure of Population, followed by the burdens of the Second World War, … Read more

Gujrat Food security

Gujrat   Food Security Food security can be described as a phenomenon relating to individuals and can be defined by nutritional status of the individual household member that is the ultimate focus, and the risk of that adequate status not being achieved or becoming undermined. Food Security can defined as Food security exists when all people, … Read more

Gujarat: Drainage System

Gujarat have west flowing rivers of the country. These rivers form deep gorges and do not form deltas at the mouth of the river. Gujarat has many rivers; the four major rivers are mentioned here: Narmada, which originates at Amarkantak plateau and merges into the Arabian Sea at the end of its journey. For Hindus, … Read more

Environmental pollution and degradation

The major causes of the Environmental Degradation are modern Urbanization, industrialization, over-Population Growth, deforestation etc. Environmental pollution refers to the degradation of quality and quantity of natural Resources. Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of “enoughness” in his saying “the earth provides enough to satisfy every persons need but not for every person’s greed” According to World Commission … Read more

Issues in Agriculture

Main Issues In national priority setting, the following recurring and emerging issues for sustainable agricultural development and POVERTY alleviation must be considered: Population pressure and demographic transition; Resource base degradation and water scarcity; Investment in agriculture, structural adjustment and impact on the poor; Globalization-3/”>Globalization and implication on the poor; Modern science and technology and support … Read more

Issues of Horticulture and Forestry

  INFRASTRUCTURE and protection of forests and wildlife. Under this scheme 1.74 lakh claims with an extent of 10.26 lakh acres are received. Of which 1.63 lakh claims with an extent of 9.81 lakh acres are surveyed. Remaining are under progress.   Plantation Activities:  Eucalyptus Plantations: The APFDC has been raising Eucalyptus Clonal plantations and … Read more

Issues related to Poverty

The World Bank defines POVERTY in absolute terms. The bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than US$1.90 per day> (PPP), and moderate poverty as less than $3.10 a day. Types of Poverty Absolute poverty measures poverty in relation to the amount of Money necessary to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and … Read more

Issues relating to poverty and hunger

Issues relating to POVERTY and hunger Poverty Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial Resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Its manifestations include hunger and Malnutrition, limited access to Education and other basic Services, social discrimination and exclusion, as well as the lack of … Read more

Social customs in Uttar Pradesh

Social customs in Uttar Pradesh Society is Patriarchal like most of Uttar Pradesh and male elders are considered heads. Though many governmental schemes like LPG connection that is given only in the name of female elder of the house has brought somewhere female on front but in DECISION MAKING they are considered subordinate to men. … Read more