Forest conservation Act

In order to check rapid deforestation due to forestlands being released by state governments for agriculture, Industry and other development projects (allowed under the Indian Forest Act) the federal government enacted the Forest Conservation Act in 1980 with an amendment in 1988. The Act made the prior approval of the federal government necessary for de-reservation … Read more

Global Warming and Its Impact

Global Warming and Its Impact Global warming is the slow increase in the Average temperature of the earth’s Atmosphere because an increased amount of the energy (heat) striking the earth from the sun is being trapped in the atmosphere and not radiated out into space. The earth’s atmosphere has always acted like a greenhouse to capture the … Read more

Afforestation and deforestation

Afforestation and deforestation Afforestation Afforestation is the process of planting trees, or sowing seeds, in a barren land devoid of any trees to create a forest. The term should not be confused with reforestation, which is the process of specifically planting native trees into a forest that has decreasing numbers of trees. While reforestation is increasing … Read more

Soil reclamation -(Land reclamation)

Biodiversity: Soil reclamation can help to increase biodiversity by providing a more suitable habitat for plants and animals. Challenges of soil reclamation: Soil reclamation can be a complex and time-consuming process, and it can be expensive. There are a number of challenges that can be associated with soil reclamation, including: The type of damage that … Read more

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals, while including new areas such as Climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and Justice, among other … Read more

Acid Rain

The pH of natural rain is found to be in the range from 5 to 7. The term Acid Rain is customarily applied to Precipitation with a pH below 5. Such low pH values are generally possible only in the presence of large amounts of anthropogenic pollution. Sulphuric acid and nitric acid is considered as … Read more

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone (O3) is a molecule made up of three atoms of Oxygen (O), and is mostly found in the strato- sphere, where it protects us from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Although it represents only a tiny fraction of the Atmosphere, ozone is crucial for life on Earth. The stratospheric ozone layer forms a … Read more

Correlation between Health & Environment

The enhanced pace of developmental activities and rapid Urbanization have resulted in Stress on natural Resources and Quality Of Life. The trend of increasing pollution in various environmental media is evident from the deteriorating air and water quality, higher noise levels, increasing vehicular emission etc. Realising the urgent need for arresting the trend, Both Central … Read more

Climate justice : a global phenomenon

Biodiversity and intact Ecosystems. Climate justice is the understanding that we will not be able to stop climate change if we don’t change the neo-liberal, corporate-based economy which stops us from achieving sustainable societies. It is the understanding that corporate Globalization-3/”>Globalization must be stopped. The historical responsibility for the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions … Read more

Energy Policies in India and Energy security

National Energy Policy There are four key objectives of National energy policy: Access at affordable prices,Improved security and Independence, Greater Sustainability and Economic Growth. Considering POVERTY and deprivation in India, access to energy for all at affordable prices is of utmost importance. We are yet to provide electricity to nearly 304 million people, and clean … Read more