Social customs in Uttar Pradesh

Social customs in Uttar Pradesh Society is Patriarchal like most of Uttar Pradesh and male elders are considered heads. Though many governmental schemes like LPG connection that is given only in the name of female elder of the house has brought somewhere female on front but in DECISION MAKING they are considered subordinate to men. … Read more

vulnerable sections of the population

Provisions for scheduled castes, Tribes and Minorities CONSITITONAL PROVISIONS FOR SC & ST Constitutional History In the original Constitution, ARTICLE 338 provided for a special officer (the Commissioner for SCs and STs) responsible for monitoring the implementation of constitutional and legislative safeguards for SCs and STs and reporting to the president. Seventeen regional offices of … Read more

Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India.

Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India Women, minorities, backword classes, differentially abled people and children are the vulnerable section of the Society. Women due to tradition and patriarchy (male sex considered to be superior to female in society) Disabled due to their physical and mental inability to perform activities like other … Read more

Inclusive Growth

The term Sustainable Growth became prominent after the World Conservation Strategy Presented in 1980 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Brundland Report(1987) define Sustainable Development as the a process which seek to meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation … Read more

Income and Poverty in Telangana

Income inequalities and POVERTY The Percentage of self-employed and unpaid family workers is increasing among rural females from 2004-05 to 2011-12; the proportion of regular/salaried is decreasing. In the case of urban females there is signifi cant increase in regular types of EMPLOYMENT and reduction in casual jobs. Casualization is observed among STs in Telangana. … Read more

Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Minorities, Women, Children, Aged and Disabled

Table of Content Caste System Issues Related to Women Gender Discrimination Low status of women Dowry System Sati practice Issues related to Youth Issues related to Minority Issues related to Tribal Issues related to Farmers Issues related to Labourers Issues related to Professionals Issues related to Person with Disablity Substance Abuse and Addiction Communalism Illiteracy … Read more

Right to Education Act

Education is the most powerful tool which can shape the destiny of an individual as well as the whole nation. It is also the key to INFRASTRUCTURE including school building, teaching staff and Learning equipment;, The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act) is an Act of the Parliament of … Read more

United Nations and its specialized agencies

  The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 to promote international cooperation. It was founded to replace the League of Nations following World War II and to prevent another conflict. When it was founded, the UN had 51 Member States; there are now 193. Most nations are members of the UN and send diplomats to the headquarters to hold … Read more

National Vaccination Programme

  Immunization Programme in India was introduced in 1978 as ‘Expanded Programme of Immunization’ (EPI) by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. In 1985, the programme was modified as ‘Universal Immunization Programme’ (UIP) to be implemented in phased manner to cover all districts in the country by 1989-90 with the one of … Read more

Programmes and Schemes- Government Welfare Schemes for SC/ST/Backward Class/Minorities/Disabled Persons, Destitute, Women, Children, Old Age People, Farmers & Labourers.

  Crop Insurance Scheme CM Jan AwasYojna Rajasthan Startup Policy Resurgent Rajasthan PARTNERSHIP Summit 2015 Bhamshah Health Insurance Scheme 2015 Rajasthan Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) Policy 2015 Smart City Programme-2015 AMRUT Mission- 2015 Rajasthan Mineral Policy-2015 Rajasthan Agro-Processing and Agri-Marketing Promotion Policy, 2015 Rajasthan Biotechnology Policy 2015 Rajasthan Amendment in Wind Power Policy … Read more