Right to constitutional Remedies( writs)

Right to constitutional Remedies( writs) Writs under ARTICLE 32 of the Constitution A declaration of Fundamental Rights is meaningless unless there are effective judicial remedies for their enforcement. Article 32 for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights by means of the specified writ of writs of the same nature. The purpose is to ensure observance … Read more

Right To Constitutional Remedies (1)

 Right to constitutional Remedies( writs) Writs under ARTICLE 32 of the Constitution A declaration of Fundamental Rights is meaningless unless there are effective judicial remedies for their enforcement. Article 32 for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights by means of the specified writ of writs of the same nature. The purpose is to … Read more

Writ Jurisdiction of High Court

Writ Jurisdiction of High Court The writ jurisdiction of the High Court is a power that is vested in the High Court by the Constitution of India. This power enables the High Court to issue writs, such as habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari, quo warranto, and prohibition, to protect the fundamental rights of citizens and to … Read more

Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)

Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32) The Right to Constitutional Remedies is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. It is enshrined in Article 32, which states that “The right to move any High Court by appropriate proceedings for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this Part is guaranteed”. This means that any … Read more