Censure Motion

Censure Motion A censure motion is a formal statement of disapproval by a legislative body against one of its members. It is a less severe punishment than expulsion, but it can still have a significant impact on the member’s career. What is a censure motion? A censure motion is a formal statement of disapproval by … Read more

Parliamentary Privilleges (Article 105)

Parliamentary Privileges (Article 105) Parliamentary privilege is a set of rights and immunities enjoyed by members of parliament in order to enable them to carry out their duties without fear of reprisal. These privileges include freedom of speech, freedom from arrest, and the right to access documents and information. Article 105 of the Constitution of … Read more

Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary Committees Parliamentary committees are a vital part of the legislative process. They provide a forum for elected representatives to debate and scrutinize legislation, and to hold the government to account. There are many different types of parliamentary committees, each with its own specific role. Some committees are responsible for scrutinizing the government’s spending, while … Read more