Ethics Case Study- 12

Case Study 12: Fiscal Deficit of country is increasing day by day and to curtail this, Finance Minister decides to merge several ministries and reduce personnel in the central Services by 20% so that government spending should be checked. But opposition party is hardly raising any objection as they are occupied with onion price rise … Read more

Ethics Case Study 10

Case Study 10:- You have interview in UPSC house and have to reach their in 1 hour. You took Metro. Metro is very congested but luckily you are seated. From your seat you observe that a middle aged man standing next to a girl is touching and trying to molest her. The girl is silently … Read more

Ethics Case Study 7

Case Study 7:- You are an Indian diplomat send to Pakistan to negotiate on Kashmir issue.The diplomat you work with Mr. Ahmad is a senior diplomat and in a decision taking position and his soft side makes him agree to some Indian demands which otherwise might not go through that easily. The pact is to … Read more

Case Studies for RAS Mains Administrative Ethics

Below are the list of several Ethics case Studies for RAS Mains Administrative Ethics designed by RAS Mains expert team. [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”40″ tax_term=”2743″ order=”desc” orderby=”title”], Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person’s private interests could improperly influence their professional judgment. For example, a government employee who is responsible … Read more


  Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.   CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING   NEED/ WANT/ DEMAND:   Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.   Want: Desire for specific … Read more

E Governance

The “e” in e-Governance stands for ‘electronic’. Thus, e-Governance is basically associated with carrying out the functions and achieving the results of governance through the utilization of ICT (Information and Communications Technology), So it is the application of INFRASTRUCTURE, budget Resources, ensure security, monitor assessment, Internet connectivity speed, promote awareness among public regarding the importance, support from … Read more

Reforming Bureaucracy to Strengthen Democracy

Reforming Bureaucracy to strengthen Democracy The relationship between bureaucracy and democracy is intricate and pivotal for the effective functioning of any state. While bureaucracy is essential for implementing policies and providing continuity in governance, its inefficiencies and rigidity can sometimes hinder democratic values such as transparency, accountability, and public participation. Reforming the bureaucratic system, therefore, … Read more

Policy Cut Motion

Policy Cut Motion A policy cut motion is a motion that is used to reduce the amount of money that is allocated to a particular policy or program. This type of motion is typically used when the government believes that the policy or program is not effective or is not worth the amount of money … Read more