British Rule in Karnataka

British Rule in Karnataka   In 1831 CE the British surpassed the realm and named the magistrates, who were given the ability to control in the interest of the British domain. Among them “Sir Lord Cubbon” was the most imperative. They methodicallly changed the way the domain worked and acquired significant changes yet they proceeded … Read more

Structure of Government and economic policies of British Empire in India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies

Structure Of Government And Economic Policies Of British Empire In India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies Structure of government under east India company (1757-1857) When the officials of the East India Company acquired control over Bengal in 1765, they had little intention of making any innovations in its administration. They only … Read more

First Afghan Empire

Lodhi -First Afghan Dynasty All Turks are the rulers of Delhi Sultanate, while Lodis who succeeded Sayyids were Afgans from 1451 to 1526. It was the last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. They are rulers of Pashtun (Afghan) Ghilzai tribal origin and reigned during the last phase of the Delhi Sultanate. After the last Sayyid … Read more

Mugal Empire

Introduction In the fourteenth century, the disintegration of the Mongol empire led Timur to unite Iran and Turan under one rule. Timur’s empire was spread from the lower Volga to the river Indus, including Iran, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), Trans-Oxiana, Afghanistan, and some part of Punjab. In 1404, Timur died and Shahrukh Mirza, his grandson, … Read more


Shakas had set up their Kshsatraps in Mathura. The brahmi inscription s of Mora(Mathura ) is associated with Sakas. The Sakas conquered the area of Mathura over Indian kings around 60BCE. Some of their satraps were Hangamasha and Hagana, who were in turn followed by the Saka Great Satrap Rajuvula. The Mathura Lion Capital inscriptions … Read more

PRE HISTORY of Uttarakhand

PRE HISTORY of Uttarakhand Literally North Country or Section in Sanskrit, the name of Uttarakhand finds mention in the early Hindu scriptures as the combined region of Kedarkhand (present day Garhwal) and Manaskhand (present day Kumaon). Uttarakhand was also the ancient Puranic term for the central stretch of the Indian Himalayas. It is well known … Read more

Tehri Estate : History of Uttarakhand

  Tehri Garhwal gets its name from the presence of a number of forts built by the Panwar dynasty rulers in old days. It had been an epicenter of politics and economics of Uttarakhand since ages. It is surrounded by Uttarkashi district in the north, Rudraprayag in the east, Pauri Garhwal in the south and … Read more

Gurkha British War: History of Uttarakhand

  The officials were corrupt and treated the people very mercilessly, thus the morale of the people became very low and they were rendered inefficient. After the Gurkhas had established their hold over Garhwal and Kumaon, their borders came directly in touch with those of the British territory in Gorakhpur and elsewhere. They began to … Read more

Freedom Moments : History of Uttarakhand

  As the British rule was better than the Gorkhyali rule and also due to the policies to Kumaon commissioner Ramjay, the Revolt of 1857 had no or minimal effect in Uttarakhand. Despite this there was an uprising in Haldwani under the Leadership of Kalu Mehra considered as the first freedom fighter of Uttarakhand. With … Read more