Comparative status of Developing, Emerging and Developed Countries,Problems of Developing Countries.- For RAS RTS Mains exam of RPSC

Various problems of developing countries are as follows:- The Uneven Pattern of Development:-The development gap has been widening for the very poorest countries. Lack of Resources for developement Inefficiency in resource use Inadequate Skilled human resources Stagnation in agricultural development Population Growth is one of the central problems of Economic Development. Some developing countries have … Read more

World Distribution Of Bauxite

 World Distribution of bauxite The important bauxite producers are (their Percentage in world’s production is given in bracket): Australia (31.34%), China (18.41%), Brazil (13.93%), Guinea (8.36%), Jamaica (3.98%), Russia (1.64%), Venezuela (2.39%), Surinam (1.99%), Kazakhstan (2.44%), Greece (1.09%), Guyana (0.60%) and Vietnam (0.01%). Australia is the largest producer of bauxite in the world. … Read more


The G20 is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors of 20 major economies. The forum was established in 1999 to discuss major issues related to the global economy. The G20 members are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, … Read more

Brazil Current

The Brazil Current is a warm ocean current that flows southward along the eastern coast of South America, from the equator to the latitude of Rio de Janeiro. It is a branch of the South Atlantic Gyre, and is part of the global conveyor belt. The Brazil Current is driven by the trade winds, and … Read more

Equatorial Rain Forest Climate

Equatorial rain forest climate is a tropical climate that is characterized by warm temperatures and high rainfall. It is found near the equator, where the sun’s rays are most direct. Equatorial rain forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, and they play an important role in the Earth’s climate system. Subtopics: … Read more

Amazon Fund (Fundo Amazônia)

The Amazon Fund (Fundo Amazônia) is a Brazilian government fund created in 2008 to support projects that promote sustainable development in the Amazon rainforest. The fund is managed by the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and is financed by a combination of public and private sources. The Amazon Fund has been used to support a wide … Read more