Ancient Scripts of India

Ancient Scripts of India India is a land of ancient civilizations, and its history is rich in culture and tradition. One of the most fascinating aspects of Indian culture is its writing system. The ancient scripts of India are a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the Indian people. Indus Script Brahmi Script Kharosthi … Read more

Origins of the Indian Notational System

Origins of the Indian Notational System 1. Early Developments The Indian notational system traces its origins to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, where early symbols resembling numerals have been found on archaeological artifacts. The system further evolved during the Vedic period, where numerical concepts were developed and used in religious rituals and mathematical calculations. 2. … Read more

Brahmi Script

Brahmi script The Brahmi script is an ancient writing system that originated in India. It is the ancestor of many modern scripts, including Devanagari, Bengali, and Gurmukhi. Brahmi was used to write a variety of languages, including Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Pali. History of Brahmi Script Characteristics of Brahmi Script Languages written in Brahmi Script Descendants … Read more

Nasik Inscription

The Nasik Inscription is a rock-cut inscription located in the city of Nasik, Maharashtra, India. It is one of the most important inscriptions of the Satavahana dynasty, and it provides valuable information about the history and culture of the period. The inscription was carved on a rock face near the Godavari River in the 2nd … Read more