Data Programmes

A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function and typically executes the program’s instructions in a central processing unit.A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language. Computer language or programming language is a … Read more

JPSC Prelims notes for Science and Technology

Science & TechnologyFor Notes Click on the topics [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”100″ tax_term=”1321″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] Physical Science (I)System of Units: MKS, CGS and SI (II)Definition of speed,velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work,power and energy. (III)Solar System, relative position of Earth with respect to Sun and other planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and … Read more

Smart Cities and solutions

Smart City means aligning information technologies to citizens’ needs in order to enhance their day-to-day lives by increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and engaging more directly with city dwellers. Developing a smart city is the next generation Urbanization process for improving the efficiency, reliability, and security of a traditional city. This paper discusses about the economic … Read more

Modern and emerging technologies and initiatives in the State of Himachal Pradesh

Biotechnology policy of himachal pradesh Biotechnology is a fast developing field with activities and uses covering the entire spectrum of human life. Biotechnology, which involves the fusion of biology and technology, is the technology based on the understanding of life incorporating various aspects of biology, medicine, chemistry, engineering and informatics. Biotechnology is formally defined as … Read more

Technology missions – ICT

Government provides IT Resources to its employees to enhance their efficiency and productivity. These resources are meant as tools to access and process information related to their areas of work. These resources help Government officials to remain well informed and carry out their functions in an efficient and effective manner. This policy governs the usage … Read more

Non-banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s

Non-Banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of Shares, stock, Bonds hire-purchase insurance business or chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business … Read more

Technology missions- ICT

INFRASTRUCTURE. Furthermore, the World Bank estimated that out of the global Population of 7.4 billion people, more than 4 billion don’t have access to the internet. Additionally, it estimated that only 1.1 billion people have access to high-speed internet. The significance of ICT in enterprises For businesses, advances within ICT have brought a slew of … Read more


Delegation The active process of entrustment of a part of work or responsibility and authority to another and the creation of accountability for performance is known as delegation. Thus, there are three Elements of delegation as follows- Assignment of Responsibility: This is also known as entrustment of duties. Duties can be divided into two parts: … Read more